

MAY 24, 2004

about us


2004 marks the tenth aniversary of my leaving home to go to boarding school. My life since 1994 has been nomadic, having served four years at Upper Columbia Academy, I moved to the Bay Area for nine months before moving to Australia for a year of school. After that I lived at my dad's for a short while working a variety of menial jobs. God only knows why I moved to New Jersey to work as a nanny for fifteen months, but I managed to survive that before coming to England in 2001 to finish my BA History/Literature. Unfortunatly for my family the nomadic urge that I have inherited from my mother has not yet run its course, and I intend to wander the globe for awhile longer.


I'll just say a few things about Julie until she has time to add somthing here for herself. Julie has the nomadic inclinations that I do, and she is driven by a search for adventure and a passion for experiencing life that I have learned so much from. She has taught me how to squeeze the value out of situations in life. I had always been someone who watches other people experience life while I have been content to be a bystander, but Julie has shown me the importance of making each second count; to not be afriad of the adventures that life leads you to.


Niether of us can really remember when exactly we met, but I think it was in the Newbold cafeteria. We were friends for the two years that we went to school together, we don't know why we never became closer friends since we both had a number of friends in common. We talked from time to time and I missed her when she was gone for a semester during my second year. After she graduated, I was on the verge of my fourth and final year of my degree we began to spend more time together. She had stayed to work in England, and neither of us had many other friends around so we began to talk alot, spend time cooking together, and soon found ourselves rather suddenly in love. Though we can pinpoint the time of our first kiss, our feelings for each other do not conform easily to a calender, but by the begining of the winter of 2003/2004 I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Julie.

February 29, 2004


It was our second day of vacation on Cyprus (the island in Greek mythology where Aphrodite the goddess of love was born). Since Christmas I had been thinking of how and where I would propose to Julie. Cyprus presented a great chance, so after a day of exploration of the nearby town of Paphos we took our time eating a simple meal that I specially made for her. After the meal over a cup of tea I asked her to marry me. She said yes almost instantly, though she did appear to be a little suprised. It was one of the most sublime moments of my life.