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Bismarck, ND, 06/27/2002, Carol, grandson Logan, and son Kelly Derrick and LR: Logan, Christopher, and LR: December 2004, Kelly, Edmund, Derrick

Annette and daughter Tori Annette, Tori and Wayne Patty, Annette and Tori. baby Logan baby Allissa Lucy Cindy and Randy's horse Bruce, Jerry and Patty

Carol's family with Parents Carol and her horseshoe trophys Carol and family Carol and Renea Carol and son Kelly Carol and family Carol, Jerry and kids Carol, Kelly and Logan

Carol on sled Carol, Terry, Patty and Duane Carol Carol with horseshoe trophies Carol's horseshoe awards. Carol and son Kelly Cindy and Dad Cindy, Annete, Carol, and Patty. Cindy's boy Brian

Cindy's husband Randy Randy's nephew Dan in the hospital in Idaho from cat bites. Dan's family Edmond and Daughters in Nov 2001 David and grandaughter David Jr and baby. Derrick and Adrian Derrick and Carol

Derrick, Carol, Kelly and Logan. Dan, Carol and their son Derrick. Duane's family with Dad Duane, Jerry and kids Edmond with grand and great grand children, Nov 2001 Edmond and grand child Jesse Edmond and sons, November 2002. Ed with neice Barbara and her son Greg Pecel. Ed with brothers Pius and Matt, August 2005.

Ed, Ermina, Carol and Logan Ed, Kelly and Logan. Edmund Ed and Tori, 2005 Ed with brothers, Pius and Matt, August 2005. Ed and sons, November 2002 Ed with neice, Barbara and her son Greg, August 2005. Ed at Cindy's, 2005.

Ed, Kelly and Logan, Nov 2005. Eds brothers and sisters, Nov 2002. Ed and Ermina's family, Nov 2002. Ed and Ermina's family, Nov 2005. Ermina, Ed, and Carol's family. First cousin, Pat, Matt's daughter and Darlene, Pat's aunt, August 2005. Dan's family. Frances's family and Dad.

Edmund and grandkids, November 2002. Horseshoe Gals Competition. Jerry and kids. Jerry and Carol. Jerry, Carol and some family. Pat and son Jesse. Jesse and GrandPa. Keith, Logan and Christopher.

Kitty Lucy Kelly, Beth and Logan. Little Logan 1 and 1.2 years old. Logan and Keith. Carol and Logan. Carol, Kelly and Logan. Logan, Kelly's boy, age 7. Lucy.

Lucy Lucy Mike and Randy Mamma Squirell and young ones. Montana Mort and Goose Nice Squirel First cousins, Pat and Laura.

Patty Patty and Aunt Darlene Patty and Nephew Peterson and Gross Family Pheasant Flying Renea Sharon and baby Tori 1 year old and Derrick.

Tori and Wayne Racoon Watching Edmund Gross Dec2007 Derrick and daughter Eriska Danielle Eriska Danielle Peterson Carol in San Franciso Carol and her family 2012 Carol and her family 2012 Carol and Sharon.  Carol displaying her many awards she earned in horseshoe throwing competition.