

Roman Catholic


Hague High School, Hague, ND 1954
Dakota Business College January 1960 to September 1960
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wi, 1971 BA Economics/Minor Accounting


IRS Officer.

Military Service

US Air Force four years, 1956 to 1959
Basic Training at Parks AFB, Oakland, California
Personnel Specialist Tng St. Louis, Mo
Served two years in O/Misawa, Japan and 18 months at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX as Officer Personnel Specialist.


I retired from the IRS in 2002 and have been working three jobs since then. Two completely volunteer, One at the Milwaukee Blood Center and one at the Milwaukee Airport Information desk. I have also been working (for almost nothing but get paid a few bucks) at the Low income Taxpayer Clinic out of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee for 10 years and 2013 with Legal Action of Wisconsin. Legal Action of Wisconsin is a non-profit organization that helps the poor who cannot afford an attorney with many different problems. Most also have tax problems which is where I come in. I help them with any and all problems they may have with the Internal Revenue Service and with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Sometimes with other issues such as student loans they cannot repay or even did not incur, etc as an example. Most weeks I work about 30 hours. I run my own schedule.